Colorful Crochet Headband Pattern – Rainbow

We all need a colorful crochet headband pattern to brighten up our day!

This happy crochet twisted headband is going to be the one for you today.

You can make this beauty in an hour’s work using rainbow colors and textured stitches.

Let’s do it!

Find the free pattern below or purchase the ad-free PDF version of this pattern on  Ravelry. The PDF is designed for printing and this way you can support me! Thank you!

headband crochet pattern

How many chains do you need for a crochet headband?

This headband pattern is worked flat in rows so you have to follow the instructions for an average woman size, but for general knowledge

Typically, a standard adult headband requires about 60 to 70 chains. However, this can vary based on the thickness of your yarn and the tension of your stitches

To customize your crochet headband, measure the circumference of the head where the headband will sit. Create a chain that matches this measurement, ensuring it has some stretch. For example, if your head measures 22 inches, chain enough stitches to reach this length. Remember to account for the give in the fabric; you don’t want it too tight or too loose.

** Some of the links in this post may include affiliate links. Purchasing one of these links pays me a small referral fee at no added cost to you. These small fees add up and help me keep the blog running. View our Disclosure and Privacy Policy for more information.

Before you get started, check out my newest favorite finds!

Yarn Winder – a perfect crochet accessories

Neck Stretcher – to keep you without neck and back pain

Gauge Ruler – so you always get the right size

Pattern Designed By: Sandra Stitches This pattern is copyright protected; it is unlawful to distribute this pattern in any form (free, sale or trade).

Let’s get to the pattern, shall we?

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* Add this pattern to your Ravelry queue HERE!




  • Any weight #4 Worsted / Aran yarn I used 33gr
  • Hook: US Size H-8 (5 mm) 
  • Yarn Needle, Scissors, Measuring Tape


  • 12 st X 9 rows


  • This sample is: 21” in circumference X 4” in width

Stitch Key

Specialty Stitches

FpDc = Front post double crochet st (Yo, insert your hook from front to back to front around the post of the next stitch, yo, pull up a loop, yo, pull thru 2 loops on your hook, yo, pull thru remaining two loops on your hook).

My latest Video


  • This pattern is written in US terminology
  • The pattern is worked in rows
  • Ch 1 at the beginning of the row does not count as a stitch
  • Ch2 does count as st at the beginning of each row
  • If changing colors make sure to have a changing technique and weave your ends in. Watch this video
crochet free pattern - rainbow headband


Chain 16+3

Row 1: Dc 1 in 4th ch from hook, dc 1 in next and across to end of row, turn (16)

Row 2: Ch 1, sc 1 in 1st st from hook and across to end of row, turn (16)

Row 3: Ch 3 (counts as st), *[FpDc 1 in next st, dc 1 in next st]* repeat from *to* to end of row, turn (16)

Row 4: Ch 1, sc 1 in 1st st from hook and across to end of row, turn (16)

Row 5-32: Repeat rows 3+4

Leave a long tail before securing the yarn and cutting


Fold two sides of the rectangle as shown in the image, the wrong side out.

Sew all parts together.

Secure, cut your yarn, and weave in the ends.

Switch sides of the headband- right side out!


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**This is an original Sandra Regev pattern: Owner / Designer of Sandra Stitches. This pattern may not be redistributed for free, sale or trade, but finished products are permitted to be sold with credit to this shop – enjoy!

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Want more crochet headband ideas?

The Blush Headband

The Crown Headband

The Lily Headband

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