Quick Crochet Jar Cozy

Hey there, my crochet friends! I’ve got a treat for you today – a fabulous Crochet Jar Cozy Free Pattern! If you’re anything like me and adore styling your kitchen and home with handmade wonders, this one’s a must-try.

Imagine your favorite jars adorned in cozy, crochet creations, adding charm and elegance to every corner of your space. With this crochet Jar Cozy free pattern, you can make that vision a reality! Whether you’re into rustic farmhouse vibes, whimsical artistry, or chic couture, this pattern covers you.

So, are you ready to bring some magic into your home? Grab your yarn and trusty hook, and let’s embark on a delightful creative journey together. Let’s make your kitchen shine with the warmth of handmade artistry. Keep reading, and let’s crochet these cozy wonders to life, one stitch at a time! Let the crafting fun begin!

Find the free pattern below or purchase the ad-free PDF version of this pattern on  Ravelry. The PDF is designed for printing and this way you can support me! Thank you!

rustic farm crochet jar cozy pattern

This crochet Jar Cozy Pattern is great because:

  1. Quick and Gratifying: This crochet jar cozy pattern works up in no time, making it a perfect project for those seeking instant crafting gratification. You’ll witness your cozy taking shape before you know it!
  2. Minimal Yarn Usage: With this pattern, you’ll be amazed at how little yarn you need to complete a cozy. It’s an excellent opportunity to use up leftover yarn from previous projects or to indulge in your favorite luxury yarn without breaking the bank.
  3. Versatile and Customizable: Whether you prefer a rustic, whimsical, or chic look, this pattern is incredibly versatile. You can easily customize the colors and stitch patterns to match your personal style and complement your existing home decor.
  4. Great for Gifting: Crochet jar cozies are charming and thoughtful gifts that show you put love and effort into your present. Working this pattern allows you to create heartfelt gifts for friends and family on various occasions.
  5. Beginner-Friendly: If you’re new to crochet or looking for a beginner-friendly project, this cozy pattern is a fantastic choice. Its simplicity and clear instructions make it accessible to crafters of all skill levels, including those just starting their crochet journey.

So, get ready to experience the joy of creating these adorable jar cozies! They’re perfect for adding a touch of handmade warmth and beauty to your home or for surprising your loved ones with a heartfelt gift

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Before you get started, check out my favorite tools!

Cotton Comfort: Crochet Jar Cozies with Durable Cotton Yarn

Oh, let me tell you why using cotton or cotton blend yarn for these crochet jar cozies is such a fantastic idea! First off, cotton yarn is seriously versatile and super durable, which is just what we need for cozies that might encounter some kitchen spills or moisture. It’s like having a practical superhero for your jars! And guess what? The smooth texture of cotton yarn makes the cozies look oh-so-pretty with clear stitch definition.

Now, here’s the best part – if you go for a cotton blend, you get the best of both worlds! You’ll enjoy the sturdiness of cotton while also experiencing the added softness and drape from the blend. Talk about cozy perfection! Oh, and let’s not forget the array of vibrant colors available in cotton and cotton blends. You can easily match your decor and create cozies that make your home feel like a warm, handmade paradise. So, grab your cotton yarn and get ready to whip up these adorable cozies that’ll make your heart sing!

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Pattern Designed By: Sandra Stitches This pattern is copyright protected; it is unlawful to distribute this pattern in any form (free, sale or trade).

Let’s get to the pattern, shall we?





  • One size – measure depends on The jar of your choice  This sample is  10.5” long without straps

Stitch Key

  • Ch = Chain
  •  Sc = Single Crochet
  •  Sl St = Slip Stitch


  • This pattern is worked in rows.
  • Ch1 does not count as 1st st
  • The length depends on the size of your jar- calculate multiples of 5 +1
learn how to make a crochet jar cozy


Chain 26

Row1: Sc1 in 1st st from hoo, Sc1 in next st and across to end of row, Ch1, turn (25)

Row 2: Sc1 in 1st st from hook, Sc1 in next and across to end of row,Ch7 and turn work. (25)

Row 3: Slst to 4th Ch from top, Ch4, skip 4st Sc1 in 5th st, *[Ch7,Slst to 4th Ch, Ch4, skip4 st, Sc1 in 5th]* repeat from *to* to end of row, finish with Sc at last st, Slst to between two Sc rows, Ch10 for strap, fasten off

Ch10 to the opposite side, fasten off and cut yarn

Secure yarn, cut and weave in ends.

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crochet jar cozy pattern

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