Unique Crochet Headband Pattern – The Crown

Let’s make this unique crochet headband and feel like a queen!

I called it The Crown because of the shell stitch finish on one side of the headband that gives the feeling of a crown – right?

And of course, I just finished watching the last season of the Netflix series so….

Want to keep your head warm and cozy – let’s get started!

This pattern is part of the Twist and Tops Crochet Headbands Series Crochet alongScroll down for details đź”˝

Find the free pattern below or purchase the ad-free PDF version of this pattern on  Ravelry. The PDF is designed for printing and this way you can support me! Thank you!

unique crochet headband

What can I tell you about this Crown Headband pattern?

  1. It is a perfect pattern to use yarn scraps and be creative with colors
  2. Learn the new technique of slip stitching on a crochet item to make it more unique
  3. Combining three stitch patterns in one headband for more curiosity!

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Before you get started, check out my newest favorite finds!

Yarn Winder – a perfect crochet accessories

Crochet Gratitude Journal – To keep you positive every day!

Neck Stretcher – to keep you without neck and back pain

Gauge Ruler – so you always get the right size

Pattern Designed By: Sandra Stitches This pattern is copyright protected; it is unlawful to distribute this pattern in any form (free, sale, or trade).

Let’s get to the pattern, shall we?




  • Cygnet Chunky, 100gr  100% Superior Acrylic, 156 m, color brown and beige, I used 44gr ( or any worsted weight yarn)
  • Hook: US Size H-8 (5 mm) 
  • Yarn Needle, Scissors, Measuring Tape


  • 10 st X 8 rounds


  • This sample is: 22” in circumference X 5” in width

Stitch Key

  • Ch = Chain
  • St = Stitch
  • Sc = Single Crochet
  • Hdc = Half Double Crochet
  • Slst = Slip stitch

Specialty Stitches

Xsc = Yarn under single crochet stitch – forms a shape of X ( Insert hook in next st, yarn under, pull up a loop, finish single crochet st) 

Shell st =  Shell stitch ( sc 1, skip 2 st, dc 5 in next st, skip 2 st,  sc 1 in next st)

My latest Video


  • The pattern is worked in rounds
  • Ch1 does not count as st at the beginning of each row
  • You can work this pattern with one color or multiple as you wish- I used two colors
  • If changing colors make sure to have a changing technique and weave your ends in. Watch this video
crown crochet headband


Color A – Chain 61+1, Sl st to 1st Ch to form a circle

Round 1: Ch 1, sc 1 in 1st st, sc 1 in next and around to end, sl st to 1st st to join round (61).

Round 2-4:  ch1, Xsc in 1st st, Xsc1 in next st and around to end of round, sl st to 1st st to join round .

Round 5+6: Ch 1, hdc 1 in 1st st, hdc 1 in next st and around to end of round, sl st to 1st st to join round

Round 7-9  Ch1, Xsc in 1st st, Xsc1 in next st and around to end of round, sl st to 1st st to join round .

Round 10:  Ch1, sc 1 in 1st st from hook, sc 1 in next and around to end, sl st to 1st st to join round .

Change color

Round 11:  Ch1, sc 1 in 1st st from hook, sc 1 in next and around to end, sl st to 1st st to join round.

Round 12:  Ch1, Shell st around,  sl st to 1st st to join round.

Secure yarn weave in ends and cut


With contrast color, slip stitch 3 rounds between half double crochet rounds Watch this video

Secure, cut your yarn, and weave in the ends.


The Twist and Tops Headband Series Crochet Along

headbands crochet along

Check the main post HERE

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Want more crochet headband ideas?

The Lili Headband

The Blush Headband

The Twisted Train Headband

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