
Thank you for visiting Sandra Stitches.com! Please read this disclaimer

Welcome to my blog! I’m Sandra Stitches, and I love designing and sharing free crochet patterns with the world. I believe that everyone should have access to beautiful and unique crochet creations, regardless of their budget. That’s why all of my patterns are free to use.

However, there are a few things I ask in return:

  • If you sell finished items made from my patterns, please clearly credit the design to Sandra Stitches and provide a link to my blog, www.sandrastitches.com.
  • Permission is not granted for mass production or factory manufacturing of any kind.
  • I would love to see your creations! Please be sure to tag me on social media (@sandrastitches) if you make something using one of my patterns.

Thank you for your respect for my rights as a designer. I hope you enjoy my patterns!

Why I Share Free Crochet Patterns

I share free crochet patterns for a few reasons. First, I love to see people enjoy my creations. It makes me so happy to know that someone is wearing or using something that I made. Second, I believe that everyone should have access to beautiful and unique crochet items, regardless of their budget. Crochet can be a relatively expensive hobby, so I want to make it more accessible to everyone. Finally, I want to give back to the crochet community. There are so many talented crochet designers out there who share their patterns for free, and I want to do my part to support that community.

How to Use My Patterns

My patterns are free to use for personal and commercial purposes. However, there are a few things you need to do if you want to sell finished items made from my patterns:

  • Please clearly credit the design to Sandra Stitches.
  • Please provide a link to my blog, www.sandrastitches.com.
  • You may not mass produce or factory manufacture items made from my patterns.

I hope you enjoy using my patterns! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for your support!

I am so grateful for the support of my readers and followers. Your encouragement and enthusiasm mean the world to me. I hope you continue to enjoy my patterns and creations for years to come.


(if you have questions about this disclaimer please contact me)

Thank you

P.s: If you still have questions visit my FAQ page or Contact me

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